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Study Links High Blood Sugar And Cancer Risk

Source: Jean Carper & Stop Aging Now!
Author: Maggie Spilner, Staff Writer

A large European study has found that people with high blood sugar levels are at an increased risk of developing cancer, even when they do not have overt signs of diabetes.

The study was done at Umea University Hospital, in Sweden, and included more than 64,000 people ages 40-60.  Each received a fasting blood sugar test and sugar challenge test. (Their blood was tested after they consumed a sugary drink.). None of the participants were smokers, nor did they have a history of cancer.  (A small percentage had had non-melanoma skin cancer.) Eighty-five percent of the fasting tests showed normal blood sugar results. Ninety-two percent were normal after the sugar challenge.

After being followed for 13 years, results showed that women with the highest blood sugar levels in the original tests had a 26 percent higher chance of being diagnosed with cancer during that time than women with the lowest blood sugar levels. When looking at specific cancers, both men and women with high blood sugar were more likely to have pancreatic, urinary tract and malignant melanoma, than those with the lowest blood sugar levels at the start of the study. High blood sugar was also linked to breast cancer for women under age 49.

Researchers also found evidence that rates of unusually high blood sugar levels increased with advancing age. (Stattin, P, et al. Diabetes Care  2007 Mar; 30(3):561-7)

This study adds to evidence that abnormal sugar metabolism (which usually includes insulin resistance, high sugar levels and high insulin levels) can be cancer-promoting. High insulin levels, in particular, have been linked to breast, colon, and pancreatic cancer. Avoiding cancer is one more good reason to keep your blood sugar in the normal range. You re also protecting yourself against future diabetes and heart disease.

Your doctor can perform a simple blood test to determine your fasting blood sugar. If it s out of the normal range, ask what steps you can take to reduce it.
Release Date: April 17, 2007

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