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Source: Stop Aging Now!
Author: Jean Carper


Controls Hazardous Insulin: Chromium increases the power of insulin to process sugar, so you need less insulin to do the job, and blood levels drop. If chromium is low you need about ten times more insulin to process sugar, says Dr. Anderson. Thus, with adequate chromium, much less insulin circulates in the blood to attack artery walls, precipitating atherosclerosis, and possibly plunging you into adult-onset (Type II) diabetes. Be reactivating insulin, chromium alleviates some of the danger of “insulin resistance” that comes on with age. Chromium can even improve insulin resistance in diabetics, according to several studies. A daily 200 micrograms of chromium improved insulin resistance in 62 percent of women with Type II diabetes and 50 percent of men with the disorder within ten days, according to Israeli research.


If you take people in the general population with slightly elevated blood sugar and give them chromium supplements, you’ll see a drop in blood sugar in 80 to 90 percent of them.– Dr. Richard A. Anderson, U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Normalizes Blood Sugar: Excessive blood sugar promotes diabetes and all the destruction that goes with it. Studies show that if you have high blood sugar, chromium supplements will bring it down. Amazingly, if you have low blood sugar, chromium will bring it up. Chromium has an “adaptogen” effect, says Dr. Anderson, meaning it normalizes blood sugar, no mater what the imbalance. This probably results from chromium’s ability to normalize insulin, he says. In one double-blind study of eleven diabetics taking chromium cased fasting blood sugar to fall 24 percent in eight of them, presumably those deficient in chromium. If your blood sugar is normal, chromium has no effect on it.

How Much? To prevent chronic diseases as you age, ordinary healthy teenagers and adults need about 200 micrograms of chromium a day. Chromium expert Dr. Evans advises 400 micrograms for men. If you are diabetic or trying to improve blood cholesterol or triglycerides, you need more-from 400 to 1,000 micrograms daily, say authorities.

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